Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Our life is frittered away by detail...Simplify, simplify.

I have been trying to look at life in this way for a while now. A simple life is a happy life. I am going on week two of no alcohol and it's going really well. I am drinking seltzer instead of beer, love the stuff.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New work

I am pretty excited about the new panels I started today. I have a pretty clear idea of how these paintings will develop. It's always nice when your vision for a new painting is pretty easily translated right into the medium.

I also captured the furry creatures enjoying each others warmth and company this morning.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Well, we woke up to snow on the ground this morning and it's beautiful. The first windshield scraping is always a little bit annoying, but it's just the beginning. I will still get out on the bike during the winter as long the gear is in place. On the days I can't get out to ride I can always jump on the rollers and get a decent pedal in and sweat it out a little.
This will be my Dad's last day of work and I am very happy for him. He has worked very hard over the years and now he can devote his time to doing the things he loves to do, not that he hasn't been making time for these passions along the way. I look forward to seeing some new woodworking projects including some furniture pieces.
I am learning about the TAP teaching program today in Burlington. Teaching has been something I have considered doing for a while, but I haven't made the steps to get there. This is my time in life where I am growing and learning about the best version of myself.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The River of Light 2013

I am bringing the old blog page back to life. It's been a while since I have posted, 4 years or so. Lately, I have been riding the touring bike on the rolling dirt roads nearby and looking for new employment.

Kim and I recently attended a very cool lantern building workshop. These lanterns will join hundreds of other lanterns in a parade on December 7th in Waterbury, VT. The parade is called The River of Light. This image is a view of my lantern from the inside looking at the pieces of willow that make up the skeleton structure.


Inside the lantern looking up


Our life is frittered away by detail...Simplify, simplify. ~Thoreau I have been trying to look at life in this way for a while now. A sim...